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SHAPE ReClaimed and Gut Health!
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Did you know that there are around 40 million bacteria in your gut? This is called the Gut Microbiome, and it helps break down nutrients from the food we eat and what we drink. The Gut Microbiome is only as healthy as what you put into it. According the the Cleveland Clinic, gut health "refers to the health of your entire digestive system and the health of the microorganisms living in your digestive tract". If we eat healthy foods, our gut microbiome remains healthy, which in turn, helps us live a healthier life. Another fact about the gut microbiome is that it plays a role in inflammation in the body. Diseases such as Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, MS, and even cancers are fueled by the inflammation process. Our body uses inflammation normally to heal wounds, rid of bad bacteria and viruses, and heal us when we are ill. However, when the inflammation becomes chronic, it leads to disease. Keeping our gut microbiome healthy is one way to prevent chronic inflammation, pain, and disease.
Gut- Brain Axis
There is also a lot of new research regarding the Gut-Brain Axis. Simply put, the gut and the brain are connected. This has been proven to be the cause of anxiety, depression, and even severe mental illness such as Schizophrenia. When you get the "gut feeling", or butterflies in your stomach when you are in a stressful situation, this is the Gut-Brain Axis at work. Another reason to keep your gut microbiome healthy. I have personally suffered with digestion and intestinal issues for most of my life. One of my favorite supplemets that I use is Digestive Enzymes with prebiotics and probiotics. Pre- and Probiotics are crucial for rebuilding a healthy gut microbiome. These are all natural, with herbs to help heal the gut. (You can get this by clicking on the picture below).
We have all heard the saying "You are what you eat". This is, in fact, true. What we eat plays a direct role in our health. If we eat junk, we will feel like junk. If we eat whole foods, without chemicals, or additives, our body will be able to use the nutrients to help rebuild our gut. At SHAPE ReClaimed, we use a nutritional protocol that helps us heal the gut microbiome with healthy foods. Here are ways that we can heal our gut and improve our overall health.
Reducing our sugar intake can greatly improve our gut health. A diet high in sugar and processed foods can kill the gut microbiome. Limiting the amount of sugar, and artificial sweeteners, can help rebuild that microbiome and help heal your body. When you eat sugar, and the microbiome is injured, it causes us to crave MORE sugar. Using natural sweeteners, such as Monk Fruit or Stevia, can greatly reduce the risk of damage to the gut, and help fend off diseases. Too much sugar can also cause what is called Leaky Gut and can destroy the mucosal lining of the digestive tract. This leads to ulcers, inflammation, and diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colitis.
[caption id="attachment_228048" align="alignright" width="300"] Pickles[/caption]
Fermented foods give our bodies a much needed boost in Probiotics. Probiotics help the good flora, or bacteria, grow in our guts. This in turn helps the entire body become more healthy. Yogurt, specifically Greek yogurt, is well known to help grow the good bacteria in our microbiome. Pickles are tasty, and a great way to improve the gut. Kefir is a dairy product that has been proven to not only heal our guts, but also build up bone density, and have a positive outcome for those with Osteoarthritis. Kimchi is another one of my favorites. This is a Korean dish with cabbage and has been known to also lower insulin levels, thus fighting diabetes.
Many other fermented foods are easy to include in your diet and help rebuild your gut microbiome.
[caption id="attachment_228047" align="alignright" width="300"] Fiber-rich foods for gut health[/caption]
Foods high in fiber feed the gut microbiome and help it heal. Lentils and beans, bananas, berries, and Swiss Chard have amazing benefits to your gut and help with digestion and intestinal health. Fiber also assists with healthy weight.
[caption id="attachment_228046" align="alignleft" width="300"] Ginger[/caption]
Ginger is in a class all by itself. We use ginger to treat an upset stomach. We use it to flavor our foods. Ginger is an amazing plant that has so many health benefits. It decreases inflammation, which helps with pain. Giger also has antioxidant properties, which fight free radicals in our bodies.
At SHAPE ReClaimed, we use SHAPE Drops, which are a combination of nanomolecular ingredients that help rebuild the gut and fight inflammation. SHAPE drops consist of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that help the body heal holistically. These aid in digestion, and reduce toxic fat in the body. SHAPE drops are what makes the SHAPE Nutrition Protocol so effective.
Bringing it all together
As we have seen, your gut health is as important as the health of your major organs, Some physicians even call the gut microbiome its organ, because of the importance it plays in our overall health and well-being. If you would like to learn more about improving your gut health, visit my website for a free consultation:
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